The MS in Sustainability Science program will be hosting a special topics seminar series this semester. The series will feature speakers from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, each focusing on a cutting-edge research topic in their particular area of expertise, all centered around the challenges of global climate change.
Sustainability Science Special Topics Seminar: On Tipping Points and Climate Surprises
About the speaker: Radley Horton is an Associate Research Professor at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. His research focuses on climate extremes, tail risks, climate impacts, and adaptation. Radley was a Convening Lead Author for the Third National Climate Assessment. He currently Co-Chairs Columbia’s Adaptation Initiative, and is the Lead Principal Investigator for the NOAA-Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments-funded Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast. Radley is also the Columbia University lead for the Department of Interior-funded Northeast Climate Adaptation Center. Radley has served as the Climate Science Lead for the New York City Panel on Climate Change, and for NASA’s Climate Adaptation Science Workgroup. Radley also teaches in Columbia University’s Sustainable Development department. Radley is a leading climate science communicator, appearing regularly on television, radio, and in print.