Sustainable Transportation


Columbia has made great strides toward improving the sustainability of University transportation, both on and off campus. Emissions reduction from Columbia’s on-campus fleet vehicles through increased use of hybrid and electric vehicles will directly affect the University’s net zero emissions goal, while a reduction in business travel and commuting through innovations in videoconferencing technology and increased remote work ability will aid the University in reducing indirect Scope 3 emissions.

Click on each graph below for a larger image and description.

Sustainable Transportation Content Sections

Columbia signature crown logo in a green circle representing Sustainable Columbia
Campus Fleet

Columbia will reduce emissions from on-campus fleet vehicles to zero by 2037.

Columbia signature crown logo in a green circle representing Sustainable Columbia
Commuter Emissions and Sustainable Commute Options

Columbia commits to reduce drive-alone commuters and grow car-free connections to campus.

Columbia signature crown logo in a green circle representing Sustainable Columbia
Business Travel

Columbia commits to reduce University-related business travel.

Columbia signature crown logo in a green circle representing Sustainable Columbia
Freight Emissions

Columbia recognizes the emissions and traffic congestion issues related to university freight, parcel, and mail deliveries from delivery vehicles.

Topics: Transportation

Recent News: Transportation

November 13, 2024

Student-Led Electric Vehicles Organization Completes Phase 1 of Charging Plan Project for Columbia

The Electric Vehicles Organization (EVO), a student group with a “mission to integrate Columbia University students into the sustainable transportation ecosystem on campus, in NYC, and across industry,” presented to the Office of Sustainability, Columbia Transportation, and other Columbia stakeholders on their Campus as a Living Lab project.